Penny underbust brown - Rant Spot — Freya Northman

Underbust brown penny FAQ —

FAQ — Freya Northman

Underbust brown penny Rant Spot

Rant Spot — Freya Northman

Underbust brown penny FAQ —

FAQ — Freya Northman

Underbust brown penny Rad Swimsuit

Underbust brown penny Rad Swimsuit

Underbust brown penny Rad Swimsuit

Underbust brown penny Rant Spot

Underbust brown penny Rad Swimsuit

Underbust brown penny Rant Spot

Underbust brown penny Rad Swimsuit

Rant Spot — Freya Northman

Body modification lifestyles come with weird and unique risks- you have to modify and change the way you do things to suit that lifestyle.

  • Do I look like I have a problem eating? Waist training is a full time hobby if you're doing it in such a way that you're seeing extreme results! It's not for everybody- but for those of us who it is for- we take great pleasure and joy in the experience itself, along with the result.

  • Can you take your corset off? Think about how much people have to change and adapt to become a body builder? Where do you get your corsets? How large are your implants? Corsets can be painful, but so can the wrong pair of jeans- nobody says that all jeans are awful and uncomfortable because you have that one pair that digs in at the hip- yet a properly fitting corset is as comfortable as a properly fitting pair of jeans.