Ts eugenia escobar - An objective measure of reinforcement and its implications for exercise promotion in sedentary Hispanic and Anglo women

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

An objective measure of reinforcement and its implications for exercise promotion in sedentary Hispanic and Anglo women

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

An objective measure of reinforcement and its implications for exercise promotion in sedentary Hispanic and Anglo women

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

Eugenia escobar ts An objective

An objective measure of reinforcement and its implications for exercise promotion in sedentary Hispanic and Anglo women

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

  • International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.

  • Hispanic women may find exercise more reinforcing than Anglo women, which has important implications for exercise interventions.

2021 thesportingtimes.com