Erica cox bitten - Erica Cox: Bitten video pictures

Bitten erica cox Bitten (film)

DVD Cover Art, Bloody Images from 'Bitten'

Bitten erica cox Erica Cox:

Bitten erica cox DVD Talk

Bitten erica cox Bitten

Bitten erica cox Erica Cox

Bitten erica cox DVD Cover

Bitten erica cox Bitten (2009)

Bitten erica cox Bitten (film)

Bitten Movie Fan

Bitten erica cox Bitten (film)

Bitten erica cox Bitten (film)

Bitten DVD Review

DVD Cover Art, Bloody Images from 'Bitten'

Even though she has obvious bite marks on her throat and is sensitive to light, it takes him several days to figure out that she's a vampire, preferring to believe a junkie instead.

  • Sound: The Dolby digital 5.

  • My Neighbours Are Phantoms 1990 - Another ghost comedy with lots of cheap jokes.

Erica Cox: Age, Wiki, Biography

The one scene worth mentioning starts when a female ghost captures some people and others come to rescue them.

  • Even worse is the film's oddly dark tone.

  • Female lead Erica Cox is delicious and Mewes and Fitzpatrick are moderately funny.