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In the community a couple of our rules are don't bash kinks and don't vanilla bash.

  • I'm guessing she was a bully, did a lot of mean shit but exaggerates it for her audience.

  • Despite knowing and caring so little about the topic she can't even answer basic questions about it.


As you like anecdotes here is a video of a rabbit running off after getting swept by a cheetah 0:40 derailing ugh, the misplaced hyphens are giving me hemorrhoids.

  • To further cope with the fact that her future husband openly flirts with camgirls on Twitter, June convinced herself that she's actually bisexual so that she could at least join in when Greg fucks other girls and pretend it's a threesome and not just cheating.

  • He met her online during GamerGate while he was hitting on every single woman he interacted with to add to the harem of women he was cheating on his wife with.