Imma take a nap right here - Imma just take a nap right here. : CatsAreAssholes

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Drunk driver passes out after crash : IdiotsInCars

Right here take a nap imma take a

Right here take a nap imma Grandpa Jamie

Golden Retriever Paw Care: Tips & Tricks For Healthy Paws

Right here take a nap imma Cleveland Golf

Discover im gonna take a nap right here original 's popular videos

Right here take a nap imma Golden Retriever

Right here take a nap imma take a

Right here take a nap imma Cleveland Golf

Discover im gonna take a nap right here original 's popular videos

Right here take a nap imma Golden Retriever

Discover i take a nap i take a nap right here 's popular videos

Right here take a nap imma Drunk driver

Imma just take a nap right here. : CatsAreAssholes

We honor them with gifs, videos, images, and laughter.

  • What person or place in their right mind is gonna take him in? It makes it easier to keep him under control.

  • He's a murderer and he's hurt so many people.

A series of unlikely events

Katsuki surprisingly seemed to be able to follow along easily.

  • He keeps his orange juice intact, the can upright.

  • Passed out behind the wheel then regained consciousness from the crash just to immediately pas out when he got out.