Girl farts in your face - Would you let a hot girl fart in your face?

Face girl your farts in Would you

Face girl your farts in Detention with

Woman's Farting Gender Reveal Goes Viral, Officially Ruins Internet

Face girl your farts in Detention with

Face girl your farts in If a

Face girl your farts in Girlfriend accidentally

Face girl your farts in Detention with

Face girl your farts in Girlfriend accidentally

Would you let a hot girl fart in your face?

Face girl your farts in Detention with

Face girl your farts in Girlfriend accidentally

Face girl your farts in Little kids

Woman's Farting Gender Reveal Goes Viral, Officially Ruins Internet

After the video went viral, Ginn took to YouTube to reveal that she wasn't pregnant, and that she only filmed the video because she knew it would blow up.

  • I have no clue how they got that way, because their extended families are fanatical gossips.

  • I would just tell them.

Woman's Farting Gender Reveal Goes Viral, Officially Ruins Internet

Even if they know deep inside there's nothing in it, they let them.

  • I don't want anyone getting on their phones! I know you have been lied to in life but I have no motive for lying to you.

  • I'll be your slave next lesson, please just don't fart! McAfee said as she farted.