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Video of a Ghanaian nurse twerking on duty goes viral on social media

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This woman wants you to look at her breasts

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I feel so embarrased and feel like harrased...

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Alison Tyler

Alison Tyler

I took care of him until the end of my shift.

  • Either carry on with what you are doing or ask the patient if they would like to be left alone for a moment.

  • I do not mean to be harsh, but if he did not, then you will need to develop a tougher skin, because as a bedside nurse, I assure you, you will encounter similar situations in the future.

Warning: This viral video of high school girls might make you blush

Whether this invokes deeper commentary on or gender fluidity or whatever, the bottom line is Shiseido has struck viral-video gold.

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  • Men can have reflexogenic and psychogenic erections, a man can experience a reflexogenic erection in response to touch when washing himself, or a psychogenic erection in response to erotic thought.

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