Alessia fit model - Charly Jordan

Fit model alessia Alessia (@Alessia_fitmodel)

Fit model alessia alessia_fitmodel's recent

Alessia (@Alessia_fitmodel) : InternetStars

Fit model alessia Charly Jordan

Fit model alessia Charly Jordan

Alexia Clark

Fit model alessia Alessia (@Alessia_fitmodel)

Fit model alessia Before you

Fit model alessia Before you

Fit model alessia alessia_fitmodel's recent

Fit model alessia Before you

Fit model alessia Alexia Clark

Alexia Clark

To verify send an original photo of yourself showing enough of your body to match with your other photos face and nudity not required if the pics you post don't show them , holding a handwritten paper that includes your username, the subreddit name and the current date.

  • No links to Discord or Telegram or similar.

  • I am now 65 years young and still lifting weights.

alessia_fitmodel's recent tweets.

Everyone has their own opinion but we need a rule.

  • These include chicken breasts, egg whites, fish, feta cheese, and dark green vegetables.

  • Form is so important to me! However, she encourages people to find healthy foods that they like, without restricting themselves to certain foods.